Assembling and disassembling are with no doubts among his earliest memories. Repairing his mothers’ sewing machine at a very young age introduced him to electromechanics, something he never left aside along with his studies, art and cycling. 2005 was a decisive year: after he was living in New York and Los Angeles, expressing himself creatively would have been the path to follow.With more than 20 years of experience in electromechanics, when Gastón analyze the events of his life, he realizes that the influences that shape his works are not subtle, perspectives, textures, materials, the intrinsic design of fabrics and balls of wool are some of those. As an sculptor, he never rush to work: when he has an idea, he begin with shaping it in his imagination, making improvements, then his hands transmute the elements. Electromechanics and the world of cycling have shown him over the years too much “waste” that with adequate manufacturing he managed to transform into more transcendental objects. Gastón´s creations are his most honest expression, mixing all kinds of material and forms, with no limitations, creating works often based on the space that surrounds him.
Trash is a concept of the past, recycling is a concept of the present, thinking is a timeless concept.